Single Stage
Taxation system, now while it is flowing and roaring in the taxation system of
Punjab requires attention at a few subtle points:
1. Not Supported by appropriate Legislation
A and Schedule E have been amended to give effect to single stage taxation
system. While Schedule A has its genesis in Section 16, Schedule E bears its
roots in Section 8. As per Schedule A , specified commodities have been made
tax free at wholesaler or distributor or retailer stage. However, section 16
bears no relation with stages of goods
the same time, Schedule E has made specified goods taxable at first point of
Sale i.e. manufacturer or first importer, while section 8 has not been amended
at all .
Hence first point
taxation system at first instance appears to be ultra vires the provisions of
Punjab Vat Act.
in Clarifications
first point taxation system since lacked any legislative authority, has been
supported by number of clarifications which have compounded the confusion of
The department issued following notifications
on First point taxation system:
Notification No. 116 & 117 dated 13-12-2013
Clarification with reference to Notification No. 116 and 117 dated
Notification S.O.17/P.A./2005/S.8/2014 dated 21-02-2014
Clarification with reference to Notification
S.O.17/P.A./2005/S.8/2014 dated 21-02-2014
Notification No. S.O. 23/P.A.8/2005/S.8/2014 dated 25-03-2014
Public Notice/Clarification dated 19-04-2014
above notifications at times have taken stands which stands contradictory to
each other or sounds strange as under:
Tax in hands
of second subsequent buyer
9 of Clarification with reference to Notification No. 116 and 117 dated
13-12-2013 reads as under:
“ The dealers at the subsequent stages after
Manufacturer/First Importer have to declare their stock as on 31st December,
2013. The dealers at the subsequent stages after Manufacturer/First Importer
will continue to pay the tax according to the provisions of Punjab VAT Act,
2005 on this stock until completely sold or disposed off. The stock purchased
by the dealers at the subsequent stages after Manufacturer/First Importer on or
after 1st January, 2014, will be tax free at the subsequent stages after
Manufacturer/First Importer’s Stage. “
Para 5 of Clarification with reference to Notification S.O.17/P.A./2005 /S.8/2014 dated 21-02-2014
reads as under:
“The dealers at the subsequent stages after
Manufacturer/First Importer have to declare their stock as on 28th February,
2014. For this proforma is being uploaded on the website of Department The
dealers at the subsequent stages after Manufacturer/First Importer will continue
to pay the tax according to the provisions of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 on the stock
of goods which were not covered under
single stage taxation and were being taxed @ 6.05% and @ 14.30% and ,
until it is completely sold or disposed off. The stock purchased by the dealers
at the subsequent stages after Manufacturer/First Importer on or after 1st
March, 2014, will be tax free at the subsequent stages after Manufacturer/First
Importer’s Stage subject to the
conditions “
The words underlines and marked
appear to have changed an important position of law. From the change made in
language of clarifications position of law appears to have been changed as
Position: All the purchase and sale made
by Subsequent buyer after effective date are tax free
Position: Stock which suffers tax @ 6.05%
and 14.30% shall continue to be governed by earst while provisions of Punjab
Vat law.
Whether the department really
meant this new position of law, should be clarified, because it shall have
following implications:
purchased by one subsequent buyer from old stock of another subsequent buyer
shall be purchased against Vat Invoice and shall be entitling the second
subsequent buyer to claim input tax credit. Further the second subsequent buyer
shall sell them at 6.05% or 14.30% only.
existing on effective date i.e. 31st December or 28-02-2014 shall
always remain taxable at 6.05% whatever the ages of time goods travel, say even
after ten years
Subsequent buyer can claim refund of ITC in case of inter- state sale or
Allowance of
Input Tax Credit against goods not subject to First Point Taxation
2 of Public Notice/Clarification dated 19-04-2014 reads as under:
“………..Subsequent Stage
Dealers( Wholesaler, Distributor, Retailer) : These dealers should adopt the following procedure
for filing their returns:-
a) Treatment of transitional stock When the above mentioned
notifications were issued,the dealers were requested to declare their stock on
the website of the Department. So far as this stock is concerned, a worksheet
is being created on the website of the Department and linked with VAT-15. When the dealer opens this
worksheet, he will fill the columns of the work sheet. The dealer will be required to
submit information regarding the stock soldby him and to pay tax on value
addition at the old rate.
Illustration -I : If a dealer had declared a
stock of 6.05% goods of Rs.1.00 lac on 1.3.2014, and during the month of March,
2014, he has sold it for Rs.1.20 lacs, then he will be required to pay tax on
Rs.20,000/- at the rate of 6.05%.
Illustration-II : In the above case, if the dealer
sells stock worth Rs.60,000/- only during the month of March, 2014, then he
will simply declare this stock and the balance stock in the worksheet. His tax liability will arise when
he sells the entire stock during the future return periods…………………………”
Note under work sheet reads as under:
“……..Tax liability = (Value of 6.05% stock
mentioned in col.6 Value of 6.05% stock mentioned in col.5) X 6.05% + (Value of
14.30% stock mentioned in col.6 Value of 14.30% stock mentioned in col.5) X
14.30% + (Value of 22.55% stock mentioned in col.6 Value of 22.55% stock
mentioned in col.5) X 22.55%.
Note: If the tax liability is
negative, then it will be treated as nil and it will not be added in the output
tax liability. If the tax liability is positive, then it will be added in the
output tax liability………………”
it implies that vat shall be payable only when sale exceeds purchase. The
Impact of above clarification may be understood as under:
Ignoring Clarification
Input Tax Credit
Output Tax
Tax Payable
Goods Not Covered by First Point
Goods Covered by First Point
Net Tax Payable
As per Clarification
Input Tax Credit
Output Tax
Tax Payable
Goods Not Covered by First Point
Goods Covered by First Point
NIL, because by implication you
have to keep ITC in reserve till output tax exceeds ITC
Net Tax Payable
an important change in taxation of subsequent
has been put in place without perhaps going into implication of the same.
3. Work Sheet Dilemma
Further Public Notice/Clarification dated 19-04-2014 requires work
sheet with following columns
a) Previous
Rate of Tax
b) Value of
Stock declared on 31-12-13
c) Value of
Stock declared on 28-02-14
d) Total
Declared Stock
e) Value of
Stock Sold out of Stock as in Column 5
f) Closing
Stock as on 31-03-2014
g) Tax
Here it may be pertinent to note that the
notification dated 21-02-2014 has replicated some items with minor modification
in item No. 87 of Schedule A mentioned in notification.
While the same items were under first point taxation in
notification dated 13-12-2013 they have been repeated in notification dated
whether one has to again declare the stock of items which has already been
declared on 31-12-2013 or one has to declare the stock not already declared.
Further whether one can alter the position of stock already reflected on
31-12-2013. The department does not appear to have cared about these obvious
the words “Value of Stock Sold out of Stock as in column 5” when read with
other entries in worksheet such as “tax liability” and note appended to
worksheet requires following further clarification as to whether one has to
Sale value
of stock sold OR Cost of Goods Sold
Because Closing Stock as at 31st
March 2014 can be worked out only if one gives cost of goods sold but tax
liability can be worked out of Sale value is given. The department should have
taken care about this obvious accounting aspect.
Further the department
should clarify that what is the intent behind asking for stock of 31st
March. Whether subsequent dealer has to now declare stock of every successive
4. Business Adversity: First point taxation system has
thrown subsequent dealers selling their goods outside the state of Punjab out
of business.
It appears that the department has chosen to
only the interest but the very existence of small dealers, in its urge to
over-simply taxation system.
Conclusion: The department must ponder that its endeavor
to over simplify the things has perturbed the entire business community and has
lead to multitude of confusion which the department itself shall find difficult
to handle in future.
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