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Sunday, 18 October 2015

Issue of parking fee of aircrafts settled by supreme court in Japan Airlines. Earlier Delhi High Court in Japan Airlines and United Airlines said that S. 194I is applicable while Madras High Court in case of Singapur Airlines said that S. 194I is not applicable. Apex Court, however differed in its opinion both from Madras High Court which said that since the “'any other agreement or arrangement for the use of any land or any building' have to be read ejusdem generis and it should take it colour from the earlier portion of the definition namely “lease, sub-lease and tenancy” and therefore limited meaning should be given to the words “ any other agreement or arrangement”. Also decision of Delhi High Court was dissented as it did not look into substance of the transaction as the fee was being paid for other facilities and use of land was incidental, Apex Court held that 194I is not applicable. Decision pronounced on 04-08-2014

Education Institution took certain vehicles on hire for carrying its students and staff from home to school and back . Since Expl III to S.194C (2) clearly provides that work includes carriage of passenger by any mode of Transport other than railways Tribunal is justified in invoking 194C -Lotus Valley Edu Soc. (All HC ) 12.09.13 [45 TMC 37]

State Tpt. Corporation took buses on hire and made payment on KM running basis without any responsibility for running cost, maintenance, cost of Driver. Covered by 194C and not 194-I ‘Rent’-Regional Manager UPSRTC (Del Trib) 22.12.14 57 TMC 138

Commission income of Indian company allowed to retained with U.S. client with RBI permission and to be utilized for purchase of capital goods. Due to devaluation of rupee cost of capital goods when realized resulted in profit on remittances .HC order that character of income changed on being reserved for capital goods hence profit is capital in nature-Tata Locomotive &Engg ITR405(SC)13.1.66

Profit on remittance of amount lying in Karachi as blocked or sterilized balance and not being used for internal banking operations in Pakistan is capital in nature Canara Bank 63 ITR 328 (SC)(1967)

Loss on amount remitted from Pakistan. Allowance depends upon whether amounts held in Pakistan as capital or revenue. The fact that loss is caused by act of state resulting devaluation of currency held makes no difference Sutlej Cotton Mills 116 ITR 1 (SC)

Assesssee purchased gas cylinders for mfg.unit but leased out them because unit has not started functioning. Assessse’s claim of depreciation against leased out cylinders to be allowed.KM Sugar Mills Ltd.(SC)25.3.2015 57TMC68

Making assessment in name of non exsistent entity could not be cured by resort to S.292 B -Intel Technology India P ltd (57 TMC 159) 3.3.2015 [Karnataka]

Block assessment made in name of amalgamating co is invalid as it ceased to exist after amalgamation. Here notice of the fact was also given to AO-Micra India (P) LTD 57 TMC 153 (Del H C)22-01-2015

Entries made by assessee in account s are not determinative of profit or lose earned by assessee .Assessee by making entries not as per accounting principal may conceal profit or loss and entries made by him cannot be regarded as conclusive one way or another -Sutlej Cotton Mills 116 ITR 1(SC)

No change in object of trust for decades.Rule of consistency to be applied -Shanti Devi Progressive Edu Soc. 340 ITR 320 (Del) -Excel Industries SC 2013 –TIOL-52 2013-tiol-52 -Indian International Centre (Del trib ) 11.5.15

Merely charging Fee resulting in surplus does not ipso facto mean that activities are commercial in nature

 ICAI 347 ITR 99(DEL)
CA Study Circle 347 ITR 321 (Mad)
Tolani Education Soc 259 CTR 26 [Bom ]
Beaureau of Indian Standards 358 ITR 78 (Del)
Sabarmate Ashram 362 ITR 539 (Guj)
Indian school certificate exam 2014 TIOL 855
Indian international  centre(Del Trib) 11-5-15 57 tmc 265 

Section 263 Orders has to be same as in SCN -Ashish Raj 320 ITR 674-Software Consultants 341 ITR 240(Del)

Section 263- AO taking possible view .Section 263 can not be invoked where AO takes one of possible view- Malabar Industrial Co.243 ITR 83 (SC) Green World Corn 181 Taxmann 111 (SC)

Section 263-Where AO issues questionnaire and makes specific querries it can not be said to be case of no enquiry -Malabar industrial CO.243 ITR 83(SC) -Green World Corn 181 Taxmann 111 (SC) -Sun beam Auto Ltd.332ITR 167 (DEL) -Anil Kumar Sharma 335 ITR 83 (DEL) -Gabrid India 203 ITR 108 (Bom) -Kanada Rice Mills 178 ITR 446 (P&H)

Purposive construction

a)In some cases it becomes necessary for courts to fill in gaps as parliament choses to leave in  enactments- Lord Doe Parco in Cutler vs Wandworth Stadium [1949] 1All ER544

b)In Guiseppi v Walling 60 Harvard Review 372 LJ Frank- ineptness of drafting impels the courts to fill in gaps -an activity which no matter one may interpret is in part legislative

c)SC in Director of Enforcement vs Deepak Mahajan & Another AIR  1994 SC 1775 approved above decision

d) Heydon’s Case explained by SC in Bengal Immunity Co.AIR 1955 SC 661

Monetary limits for appeal-Application of circular to pending cases also

Monetary limits for appeal – Circular 3/2011-Shyam biri works(All HC) 6.5.15 57 TMC 157-Application of circular to pending cases also.
Other favorable cases 
1)Ranka and Ranka(kar)352 ITR 121
2)Pithwa Engg. works (bom) 276 ITR  519
3)Camco color 254 ITR  565
4)Smt Vijay Kavekar 350 ITR 237
5)Madhokar  Inamdar 318 ITR 149
6)Vitesses tag co. 331 ITR 433
7)P.S .Jain and co. 335 ITR 591(del hc)
8)Ashok Kumar Manibhai Patel 317 ITR 386

Unfavorable Decisions
Shambubhai Mahadev Ahir 363 ITR 572(Guj FB)
Varinder construction co. 331 ITR 449 (FB)(P&H)
Kodanand Tea Estate 275 ITR 244 (MAD)
John  Chackola 337 ITR 385 (Ker)
Navbharat Explosive 337 ITR (36) 515 Chatissgarh

Circular has to be read with national litigation policy
Whose purpose is to reduce litigation period from fifteen years to three years so that valuable time can be spared for contentious issues.
-Full bench of Guj & P&H  HC have not considered national litigation policy and Hence high courts applied literal interpretation of circular.
-CBDT Circular make no effort to review pending cases.
- Since this is beneficial piece of legistation, pendulum is tilled more in favour of assessee and impels courts to interpret the provisions harmoniously with national litigation policy.
- Hence circular held applicable to pending cases also.

No TDS sum paid to foreign agent for rendering services o/s India if did not have PE in India

Commission  is not FTS and hence not covered by expl to sec 9 applicable to (v)(vi)(vii) of 9(1)
Fluidtherm technology (P) ltd. 57 tmc 87(Mad)24.03.15
 faizan shoes 367 itr 155(mad)
Fanda shoes [ita 159/2013](itat mad)
Deita shoes [ita 909/2013](itat mad)
Supreme cout on commission to foreign agents on exports not taxable
1)Toshoku ltd 125 ITR 525 (sc)(1980)
2)R .D. Aggarwal & co. 56 ITR (20)(sc)1965

3)Carborandum co. 108 ITR 335(1977)

Tax Controversy Leaders (2015) in India declared by International Tax Review

1.   Rajiv Anand (Deloitte India)
2.   Manisha Gupta (Deloitte India
3.   Gagan Kumar (Krishnomics Legal)
4.   Rahul Mitra (KPMG)
5.   Sanjay Sanghavi (Khaitan & Co.)
6.   KR Sekar (Deloitte India)
7.   Rohan Shah (Economics Law Practice)
8.   SP Singh (Deloitte India)
9.   Naresh Thacker (Economics law Practice)
10.                Alok Yadav (Economics Law Practice)
11.                Sunil Badla (KPMG)
12.                ML Bhagta(Kanga)
13.                Soli Sohrab Dastur
14.                Arvind Datar
15.                Nitesh Desai
16.                Aliff Fazelbhoy
17.                Hitesh Gajaria
18.                Sujit Ghosh
19.                KR Girish
20.                Akhil Hirani
21.                Amit Jain (EY)
22.                Porus Kaka
23.                Dinesh Kanabar
24.                Kanchun Kaushal, PWC
25.                Pawan Kumar, PWC
26.                Ajoy Kumar Gupta, (Khaitan & Co.)
27.                Sunil Moti Lala (SML Tax Chamber)
28.                Himanshu Mandavia, KPMG
29.                Vinod Mangotra, KPMG
30.                Rakesh Nangia, (Nangia & Co.)
31.                Vikram Nankani
32.                Percy Pardiwalla
33.                Krishma Phaterphekar, KPMG
34.                Rohan Phataphekar, KPMG
35.                Alpana Saksena, KPMG
36.                Harish Salve, Black Stone Chambers
37.                Jayesh Sanghavi, EY
38.                Sriram Sheshadri, BMR
39.                Himanshu Sinha, Trilegal
40.                Sanjay Tolia, PWC
41.                Girish Vanvari, KPMG
42.                Vikas Vasal, KPMG
43.                Ajay Vohra

44.                Rajan Vohra, SRBC & Associates

Where search warrant was issued in name of person other than person searched and some incriminating documents were found at the premises of person searched. Search proceedings were however dropped suo motto by the department due to search warrant wrongly issued. There after proceedings u/s 153C were initiated on one of the promoters on the basis of documents found in his premises, but proceedings u/s 153C were also dropped because original proceedings got vitiated. However department initiated action u/s 148 in respect of documents found at the premises of person searched. Action of the department upheld by Allahabad High Court in SHIVAM GRAMODYOG SANSTAN Oct 14, 2015(2015) 94 CCH 0052 AllHC, relying upon Dr.Sarad B. Sahai 235 CTR 596 which said that although search is declared illegal but the post- search assessment has to take place

Where search warrant was issued in name of person other than person searched and some incriminating documents were found at the premises of person searched. Search proceedings were however dropped suo motto by the department due to search warrant wrongly issued. There after proceedings u/s 153C were initiated on one of the promoters on the basis of documents found in his premises, but proceedings u/s 153C were also dropped because original proceedings got vitiated. However department initiated action u/s 148 in respect of documents found at the premises of person searched. Action of the department upheld by Allahabad High Court in SHIVAM GRAMODYOG SANSTAN Oct 14, 2015(2015) 94 CCH 0052 AllHC, relying upon Dr.Sarad B. Sahai 235 CTR 596 which said that although search is declared illegal but the post- search assessment has to take place