In Gemini
Pictures Circuit (P.) Ltd. v. CIT [1981] 130 ITR 686/6 Taxman 42
(Mad.) it was held that
onus is on the department to prove that land is non agricultural or that it
forms part of business assets. Once the assessee proves that the land is raagricultul land the burden of proving that it is not agricultural land is on
the revenue.
In case of Gordhanbhai Kahandas Dalwadi v. CIT [1981] 127 ITR 664 (Guj.), it was held that the correct test that
has to be applied is whether on the date of sale the land was agricultural land
or not. Just because after the sale the purchaser was going to put the land to
non-agricultural use, it does not mean that the land had ceased to be
agricultural land on the date of sale.
In case of CIT v. Borhat
Tea Co. Ltd. [1982] 138 ITR 783/[1981] 7
Taxman 388 (Cal.), it
was held that for the purpose of land being agricultural land, actual
agricultural operations or cultivation or tilling of the land is not necessary.
What is to be seen is whether such land is capable of agricultural operations
being carried on.
In case of CIT v. Modhabhai
H. Patel [1994] 208 ITR 638/77 Taxman 408
(Guj.), it was held
that if a land is recorded as agricultural land in the revenue records and if
till the date of its sale it is used and exploited as agricultural land, and if
the owner of the land has not taken any step which would indicate his intention
to exploit the land thereafter as non-agricultural land, then such a piece of
land would have to be regarded as agricultural even though it was included
within the municipal limits or it was sold on a per square yard basis and not
acreage basis.