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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Additional Compensation and new house received for displacement from old house is not taxable

Kushal K. Bangia v. ITO(2012) 50 SOT 1 (Mum.)(Trib.)

The assessee was the member of a housing society. The housing society and it’s members entered into an agreement with a developer pursuant to which the developer demolished the building
owned by the housing society and reconstructed a new multistoried building by using the FSI
arising out of the property and the outside TDR available under Development Control
Regulations. The assessee, as a member of the housing society, received a larger flat in the new
building, displacement compensation of Rs. 6 lakhs (at Rs.34,000/- p.m. for the period of
construction of the new building) and additional compensation of Rs.11.75 lakhs. The Assessing
Officer &CIT(A) held that the said “additional compensation” was assessable as income in the
assessee’s hands. On appeal by the assessee, held allowing the appeal:

In principle, though the scope of “income” in section 2(24) is very wide, a capital receipt is not
chargeable to tax as income unless there is a specific provision to that effect. As the residential
flat owned by the assessee in the society’s building was a capital asset in his hands, the
compensation was a capital receipt. The department’s argument that the cash compensation was a
“share in profits earned by the developer” is not acceptable because it proceeds on the fallacy that
the nature of payment in the hands of the payer determines the nature in the hands of the recipient. However, as the said receipt reduced the cost of acquisition of the new flat, it had to be
taken into when computing the gains from a transfer thereof in the future.

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